Posts by: Dr Len D'Cruz

This talk was given in November 2020 as part of the Society of British Dental Nurses conference held virtually because of Covid-19. Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | ...

As dental practices opened up after lockdown  not all practices were able to offer care an some were only offering limited NHS care but greater access to private appointments. This article, published in the BDJ in Practice looks briefly at some of the...

At the start of the pandemic there was a severe shortage of personal protective equipment and dentists , like other healthcare workers,  had to continue looking after patients despite the  potential danger to themselves and their teams. Should our first response to these ethical challenges be to look after ourselves...

This is an overview of the law of consent as it currently relates to England with particular refernce to general dental practice Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open...

This is an  overview of the legal an dethical aspects of confidentilaity,  looking at case law as well its relevance to healthcare and  dentistry in particular Loading... Taking too long? Reload...

This presentation was given at the UK Trade show at Olympia in January 2020. With some simple steps we can provide a reasonable standard of care to patients as non specialist GDPs both privately and on the NHS and reduce ligation against dentists which has been  on the increase for a number of...

This Opinion piece was published in the BDJ in January 2020 in response to the GDC statistic that nearly 10% of all cases that are referred to it come from another registrant . Whilst there is a legitimate need to raise concerns or whistleblow when patient safety is an issue and no action has been taken locally, it is...

I have  done a number of evening , half day and whole day talks on NHS regulation either on my own or with Dick Birkin when we run them for the BDA. This is the most recent talk given in October 2019. Of significance, is the NHS BSA review of a number of areas of claiming done by practices. This review will continue...

Despite that fact that dentists have been working with the current NHS contracting arrangements in England for well over a decade, there still remains confusion, obfuscation and complete misunderstanding  about key elements of the contract.  This has led to clawback from commissioners when practices claim...

This is the basis of a presentation I give on complaints. It looks at the triggers for complaints and then looks at the legal framework around complaints in the NHS as well as what the GDC and CQC expect from practices. Loading... Taking too...